Curious about Faith?
Join Alpha!
Deeply spiritual and encouraging, the course is meant for people who are new or returning to faith. You will journey with folks of all different backgrounds to talk about who God is and what that means for YOU!
We have three ways to do the same Alpha Series:

Vineyard Resources
Start Now! We've developed a few resources to answer some questions and to practice hearing God's voice.

Is God Real?
God is real and He loves you - but don't take our word for it. Wherever you are in your faith journey, God wants to meet you there and has good things for you.
Asking questions is good! We value creating space to ask the questions you have with people you can trust.
Faith isn't what you know about God, faith is willingness to journey beyond what you know.
Vineyard Church is a safe place to ask questions, pray again, receive love and acceptance. Jesus said, "Come to me, anyone who is tired and burdened, and I will give you rest." He didn't say, "Come to me when you have life figured out."